تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Featuring two informational sessions, geared toward benefiting job seekers.  

الدول المطبقة

  • Statewide

ماذا تتوقع

Featuring two informational sessions, geared toward benefiting job seekers.

Session 1: This session provides job seekers insight to the recruitment essentials related to women in non-traditional occupations.  (35 person capacity). 

Session 2: This session informs foreign trained job seekers on the methods and resources which can support and verify their prior education. (35 person capacity).  Both sessions require registration prior to the event.



  • Greater Portland Career Center


  1. تاريخ ووقت الحدث
    أربعاء ابريل 16, 2025 9ص - 12م
    تنسيق الحدث
    In-Person & Virtual

جهات الاتصال